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Coin Sandals

Coin Sandals

Description:   The Coin Sandals match the Coin Bracelet, if you wish to coordinate.  Foot Jewelry has become very popular in recent years, and this design is a unique way to decorate your feet.  

There are two large Chinese coins in the area on the top of the foot, as well as small coins on the ankle straps.  The toe loop is knotted, and the closure is a simple beads clasp (adjustable).

These Barefoot Sandals are easily made by beginners, since only one knot is used for the entire design -- the Square knot.   Make sure you know how to tie one before you give this pattern a try.

For Sale

Supplies Needed:
  • 1mm - 1.5mm cord material
  • Four 20mm Chinese Coins (with hole)
  • Six 12mm Chinese Coins (with hole)
  • 6/0 Seed Beads
  • One bead for clasp (hole size 5mm)
  • Two beads for ends (optional)
  • Project Board, pins, tape
  • Glue
  • Flexible Measuring Tape

Knots Used:  Square Knot and the Barrel Knot


Before you start the Coin Sandals, measure your feet in the three areas described below:


Toe Loop:  Measure around the second toe and add one inch.

Center Piece:  Measure the top of your foot from the toe crease to the place you want the straps to branch off.

Straps:  Measure from the branching point to the back of the ankle (both directions).

Add all three measurements to get the total length.  

Cut two cords, each 8 times the total length.  These will be the fillers.

Cut two more cords, each 10 times the total length.  These will be the working cords.

Prepare the tips of the cords with glue to prevent unraveling, and to stiffen the material to make beading easier.

Toe Loop


Step 1:  Secure the cords on your board vertically, matching the centers. The short cords should be between the two long cords.

Place a piece of tape across the cords so one edge is at the center of the cords.


Step 2:  Tie a sennit of Square Knots HALF the toe loop measurement. 

So for a 3-inch loop, stop at 1.5 inches.

Push the knots close together as you progress.

Turn Around

Step 3:  Turn the sennit around after removing the tape. 

Start at the center again, and tie the second half of a Square knot.

Repeat step 2.

Step 4: Fold the toe loop in half. Arrange it standing on one edge, so the knots are vertical.

Closer View >>
Close Up


Step 5:  Close the toe loop for your Coin Sandals by tying one SK.

Use the working cords from the lower edge, which is touching the board.  The remaining six cords are the fillers for this knot.

Step 5, continued:  Try on the toe loop to see how it fits. 

Make adjustments if necessary, by removing the last SK you just tied, then adding (or removing) knots from both ends of the toe loop sennit.   Repeat step 5 to close the loop.

Center Piece (Large Coins)

Step 6:  Before you can work on the center piece of the Coin Sandals, which rests on the top surface of your foot, you need to use a formula (below) to determine the size for each area of SK and beads.

Each coin is close to 1-inch in size. You have three areas of SK and beads:

Just past the toe loop, between the coins, and after the second coin.

Important:  Please note that the minimum size for the center piece of the Coin Sandals is 3 inches.  For sizes under 3 inches, use only ONE coin, which should be in the middle of the strap. The SK and beads will be in only two areas.

Here's the formula: 
  • Total length of center piece (from preparation) 
  • Subtract 1 inch for each coin
  • Divide the result by 3 to get the length for each area of SK and beads


Step 7:  Slide two beads onto the working cords, then secure them by tying one SK.   Tighten firmly.

Important: Push the knot close to the one before it, to eliminate any gaps.

1st Area

Step 8:  Tie additional knots if needed to reach the size you determined in step 6

Repeat step 7, adding beads after every 2nd or 3rd knot. 

Step 9: Now it's time to add the coins to the center piece of your Coin Sandals. 

Important: File the edges inside the hole so they are smooth.

<< Divide the cords into two groups of four.  Do the following with both groups:

Place the coin under the cords, and tie enough knots to reach the hole (3 - 5 knots). >>



Step 10:  Pass the cords from the right sennit through the coin from back to front.

The side of the coin most appealing to you should be face up, and considered the front.


Mentally number the four cords from the right sennit

Move cords 1 - 2 left, and cords 3 - 4 right.


Step 11:  Slide the cords from the left sennit through the hole from front to back.

Make sure they pass between the cords from the right sennit.


Step 12:  Mentally number the cords resting in front of the coin.

The fillers for the next set of knots are 2 - 3.  Add a bead onto each one.

Use the four cords to tie a short SK sennit, with the same number of cords as in step 9.


Step 12:  Turn over the Coin Sandal, so you are working in the back

Choose the two longest cords from the group as the working cords, then tie the same number of SK you did in the previous step.


Step 14:  Turn the design to the front again. 

Move cords 1 and 4 from the back group, so they are horizontal.  The fillers ( 2 - 3) should be vertical.


Step 15:  Move the 4 cords from the front group down vertically, to join with the fillers from the back group.

Use the horizontal cords (1 and 4) to tie a SK around ALL the others.

2nd Area

Step 16:  Tie the second area of SK and beads the size you determined in step 6.

Repeat steps 9 - 14 to attach another coin.

3rd Area

Step 17:  Tie the third area of SK and beads the size you determined in step 6.

Measure the center piece.  You can add more SK and beads (or remove some) if necessary.

Divide the cords into two groups of four, for the straps.

Ankle Straps

The Ankle Straps for the Coin Sandals contain three small (12mm) coins. Since you are working with only four cords, they are attached differently than the large ones.

These steps are optional if you prefer to keep it simple and tie only SK and beads. 

Right Strap

Step 18: Using the four cords for the right strap, tie two SK.

Add a bead to the working cords, then tie another SK.

Push the second knot close to the first.


Step 19:  Mentally number the four cords. 

Pass cords 2 and 3 (fillers) through the hole in a small coin, from back to front.


Step 20:  Move cords 2 and 3 to the left and right.

Pass cords 1 and 4 through the hole front to back, so they go between cords 2 and 3.


Step 21:  Use cords 2 and 3 to tie a SK around cords 1 and 4, which are now the fillers.

The knot should rest against lower edge of the coin, not on top of it.

One SK

Add beads to the working cords, then tie a SK.

Push the second knot close to the first.



Step 22:  Repeat steps 19 - 21. Measure after this coin is attached, to see if you have room for the third. 

You still need to tie 2 inches of SK and beads in order for the Coin Sandals to be comfortable (next step).  So don't add the third coin if that brings you over the coin strap measurement made in preparation.


Step 23:  Tie a 2-inch sennit of SK and beads after the last coin is attached.  Push the knots close together as you progress.

In this example, the beads were attached to the working cords, then 3 SK were tied.  This can be changed if you prefer more space between beads.


Step 24:  Turn over the Coin Sandal, so you are working in the back.

Tie a Barrel knot with the two WORKING CORDS.  The fillers are used for the clasp.

Apply glue and cut off the excess when it's dry.

Step 25:  Repeat steps 18 - 24 using the remaining four cords, to make the left ankle strap for your Coin Sandals.

Sliding Clasp

This design has a sliding bead clasp, to make the sandals adjustable. 

You can use a different closure if you wish to try something else.  Just make sure you leave room so the straps can stretch out wide enough to allow your foot to pass through.


Step 26: Pass the fillers from the right strap through the bead for the clasp from right to left.

Pass the fillers from the left strap through from left to right.

(See important information below)


Important:  Make sure the cords are not crossed or twisted around each other in the area between the SK and the bead.

2 inches

Step 27:  Pull the ends of the cords to close the ankle straps.  Slide a bead onto two of the ends, placing it at least 2 inches from the clasp bead.  This allows the straps to open to that point, but no further.  

Try the sandal on your foot to see if you can get it through the straps with that amount of extra space.  Make adjustments if needed.


Step 28: Move the bead closer to the clasp and tie an Overhand knot where it was originally placed.

Measure to see if the knot is where you want it, prior to tightening it all the way.

Back Thru

Step 29: Pass the ends of the two cords back through the bead.

Pull them so the Overhand knot rests against the bead.

Make sure the knot doesn't pass through the hole. Use a different bead if it does.


Step 30:  Slide the bead back away from the knot slightly, then apply glue.

Push the bead back against the knot and allow the glue to dry completely.

Cut off the excess material flush with the bead.

Step 31:  Repeat steps 27 - 30 to finish the other two ends.

Step 32:
Repeat Preparation and Steps 1 - 31, to make another Coin Sandal.

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