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Fringed Table


Fringed Table

Description:  The Fringed Table features triangular V shapes at the top and bottom, along with a contoured fringe that can be beaded or brushed. 

This Macrame table is approximately 72 inches long, depending on how long you make the fringe at the bottom.  The width is 12 inches. 

This Macrame pattern is rated Moderate, so is suitable for beginners who have experience with the basic knots used in the design.

Time Consuming


Supplies Needed:
  • 6mm Macrame Cord (260 yards)
  • Two 3-inch Rings (heavy duty)
  • One 8-inch Ring
  • Two 12-inch Rings (heavy duty)
  • One 12-inch Table Top
  • Optional: 192 beads --11mm with 5mm holes (for beaded fringe)

Knots Used:


Preparation and Mounting

The cutting lengths are described within the pattern, for each section of the Fringed Table. 

After cutting, make sure you prepare the cords to prevent unraveling. 

When using Bonnie Braid or nylon, test the material to see if it MELTS when a flame is applied to it.   Then you can briefly touch the flame from a BBQ Lighter on the tips to prepare the cords.

Do not use this method if the material BURNS.

Step 1:  Cut 12 cords, each 10 yards long.

While holding a 3-inch ring upright, pass one through it, the fold it around the bottom. 

Match the ends so each half is the same length.


Roll up the two halves of the cord into one bundle, and secure it with a rubber band.  

This is to make sure the two halves remain together, since you will need to pull them later on.

Step 2:  Repeat step 1 with the remaining cords.


Cut one cord, 36 inches long.

Use it to tie a Wrapped Knot around the cords attached to the ring.  Wrap firmly and evenly, so the knot is neat.

It should be at least 1.5-inches long


Pull downward on each 10-yard cord, making sure you pull both halves at the same time.

Keep the cords rolled up, so they remain balanced.

This will tighten the cords around the ring at the top of the Fringed Table.

Pass Through

Step 3: Pass each bundle through another 3-inch ring, while holding it horizontally, as shown in this image.

Release all the cords and re-roll the two halves separately, so you end up with 24 bundles.

See information below (bundling cords).

Macrame Cord Divider

Making Bundles

Since you are working with very long cords to make the Fringed Table, it's important to make compact bundles so they don't get tangled. 


Move down 12 inches below the ring, and start wrapping the cord around your hand.

Stop when you have about 12 inches left.

Remove the bundle from your hand carefully.


  Wrap the end around the center of the bundle several times, to hold the coils together.


Pass the end under the last coil to secure the bundle.

As you work on the Fringed Table, pull to get more material when needed.

Tighten the wraps around the center as needed.

Macrame Cord Divider


Step 4:  Secure another 3-inch ring FLAT on your project board.

Secure the Wrapped knot in the center of it.  The Wrapped knot and first ring should be upright.

Spread the cords out, so there is 1-inch of space between the Wrapped knot and the ring, all the way around.

Half Hitch

Attach each cord to the new ring with a Double Half Hitch. 

Work from left to right, rotating counter-clockwise when tying each Half Hitch. 

Tighten each knot firmly so there is tension in the area between the Wrapped knot and the ring.


Suspend the cords and check to make sure the second ring is level with the floor.

Each cord should have the same amount of tension between the Wrapped knot and the ring. 

Make adjustments to the DHH as needed.


Top Section of Fringed Table

Row 1

Step 5: Tie the first row of Alternating Square Knots, using four cords per knot. 

These SK should rest as close to the ring as possible, so pull on the fillers after each one is tightened.


Row 2:  Mentally number the cords from two knots next to each other. 

To alternate, combine cords 3 - 4 from the left SK with cords 1 - 2 from the right SK.  

Tie the new ASK with those four cords.  Tighten the knot firmly so it rests against the SK in row 1.

Row 2, continued:  Repeat the same process with all the remaining cords.

Rows 3 - 12:  Tie 10 more rows of ASK (total of 12 rows).  Alternate the cords with each new row.

Place the top area of the Fringed Table in front of you, so the ring at the top is straight (see images for step 2).

Divide the cords into three groups of 8, with one group coming toward you and the others heading right and left.


Step 6: Tie a sennit of 10 Square Knots with each group, using 2 working cords and 6 fillers.

Keep the fillers organized so the sennits are flat and neat.  Tighten the knots as much as possible, and push them close together as you progress. 

Step 6, continued:  Place all the cords for the Fringed Table through the 8-inch ring, while holding it horizontally. 

Mentally number the cords from one sennit 1 - 8.

Cord 5

Step 7:  Attach cord 5 to the ring with a Double Half Hitch.  Rotate counter-clockwise and move left to right.

Make sure you pull firmly when tightening, so the ring rests against bottom of the last SK.

Cord 4

Attach cord 4 to the ring with a DHH. 

Rotate clockwise, and move right to left.  Tighten firmly.

Step 8:  Repeat step 7 with the other two sennits, attaching cords 4 and 5 in the same manner.  Make sure the ring is level with the floor (not tilted).

Go back to each sennit, and attach cords 3 - 1 with clockwise DHH, moving right to left.   

Attach cords 6 - 8 with counter-clockwise DHH, moving left to right.

  When all the cords are attached, make sure there is an equal amount of exposed ring between each set of cords.


Step 9:  Cut 14 cords, each 2 yards long.

Attach them to the ring, in the exposed area between two sennits.  It will be a tight squeeze, so push them close together as you progress.

Mount them with reverse Larks Head knots (heads face the inside). 

Inverted V

Step 10: Use the following chart to make the first inverted V shape for the Fringed Table. 

Use only the 2-yard cords. 

The numbers on this image show the cords used to tie the first SK in each row.

ROW   Cords used to tie ASK
1   13 - 16
2   11 - 14 and 15 - 18
3   9 - 12, 13 - 16, 17 - 20
4   7 - 10, 11 - 14, 15 - 18, 19 - 22
5   5 - 8, 9 - 12, 13 - 16, 17 - 20, 21 - 24
6   3 - 6, 7 - 10, 11 - 14, 15 - 18, 19 - 22, 23 - 26
7   1 - 4, 5 - 8, 9 - 12, 13 - 16, 17 - 20, 21 - 24, 25 - 28

Step 11:  Repeat steps 9 - 10 two more times, adding 14 cords into the other two exposed areas on the ring. 


Step 12:  Use one group of 10-yard cords, and tie a  sennit of 8 - 10 SK using 2 working cords and 6 fillers.

Important:  Push the knots close together as you progress.  The sennit needs to be the same length as the V pattern you just made.

Step 12, continued:  Repeat the same process with the other two groups of 10-yard cords.

Cords 4 - 5

Step 13:  Place all the cords for the Fringed Table through a 12-inch ring, while holding it horizontally.

Repeat steps 7 and 8
, attaching the 10-yard cords to the ring with DHH.

Step 13, continued:  The ring should be level when you are finished, and should rest against the bottom of the last Square Knot in the sennits. 

Make adjustments to the knots if needed.


Step 14: Attach the 2-yard cords to the same ring with DHH.  

Pull each cord firmly, so the cords are straight in the area above the V shape.

V shape

Step 15:  Use each group of 2-yard cords to make three more V designs below the ring.  

Use the chart for step 10, but reverse it, so the first row has 7 knots.  The last row should have 1 knot, tied with cords 13 - 16.


Middle Section of Fringed Table


The middle section features long straps made with Alternating Square Knots.  Two of the cords are shorter than the others, and must be switched before tying the straps.

Mentally number one group of 10-yard cords.


Step 16:  Cross cord 1 over cord 2 

Tie a Square Knot using cords 2 and 4 as the working cords. The fillers are cords 1 and 3.

Tighten the knot as much as you can and push it close to the ring.


Step 17:  Cross cord 8 under cord 7. 

Tie a Square Knot using cords 5 and 7 as the working cords.  The fillers are cords 6 and 8.

Make sure the knot is tight and close to the ring.


Step 18:  Mentally re-number the cords in the order they are now.

Row 2 contains only one SK, tied with cords 3- 6.  Tighten firmly, and pull on the fillers so the knot is close to the two above it.

Step 19:  Continue tying rows of ASK, until the sennit measures 30 - 32 inches.  

The odd numbered rows should be tied using cords 1 - 4 and 5 - 8. Make sure these knots are horizontal and are not tilted, so the loops along the edges are the same size.

The even numbered rows should be tied with cords 3 - 6. 

Important:  Stop on an odd numbered row (2 SK).

Step 20: Repeat step 16 - 19 using the other two groups of 10-yard cords.    Measure as you progress, making sure these two straps are the same length as the first one. 

I recommend you measure after every 5 rows, so if you need to make adjustments you won't have too many knots to remove.  



Lower Area of Fringed Table

To make the lower portion of the Fringed Table work out properly, you must attach the long straps to the 12-inch ring in a specific way. 

The straps need to be on the outside of the ring, so they fit around the table top.   Do not pass the cords inside the ring as you did the others.


Step 21:  Place the last row of SK in one sennit against the ring, on the OUTSIDE. 

Reach across the ring and attach cords 4 and 5, as you did in step 7.  Pull firmly, so the bottom of the SK touch the ring.

The DHH should face the inside of the ring.

Step 22:  Repeat step 21 with the other two sennits, attaching cords 4 and 5.

Check to make sure the ring is balanced, then go back to each sennit and attach the remaining cords, as you did in step 8. 

Measure the area between the sennits to make sure they are spaced equally around the ring.   Make adjustments if needed.

Step 23:   This is where the Fringed Table has been changed from the original. 

Continue tying Alternating SK with the three groups of cords, below the ring.  Tie a total of 12 rows, so you stop on a row with only one SK.

Mentally number the cords for each sennit 1 - 8.  Choose two sennits that rest next to one another.



Step 24: Combine cords 7 and 8 from the left sennit with cords 1 and 2 from the right sennit. 

Tie a SK to link them, using cords 7 and 2 as the working cords, and cords 8 and 1 as fillers.


Tighten the SK gradually, moving the sennits upward.  Pull on the fillers after you tighten the knot.

The knot should be touching both sennits (A and B) when you are done.


Step 25:  Repeat step 24 to link the remaining sennits.

They should all be straight with very little bowing, and meet in the middle of the ring.

Step 26:  Cut one cord 36-inches long.

Use it to tie a Wrapped Knot around all the cords, below the ring. 


Step 27:  In order to make the V shapes at the bottom of the Fringed Table, you need to add more cords to the lower ring.

  • Cut 6 cords, each at least 45 inches long.  This will give you enough material for a 5-inch beaded fringe, or an 8-inch brushed fringe.  Cut these cords longer if you want to increase the fringe length.
  • Cut 8 cords, each 36 inches long.

Mount the cords to one exposed area on the ring (between the sennits), starting on the left and moving right. 

Attach them in this order:

  • Four 36-inch cords ---- Six 45-inch cords ---- Four 36-inch cords.


Mount them with reverse Larks Head knots, then add a Half Hitch with each half of the cord.

Step 27, continued: Make a Square Knot V design with these cords, as you did in step 15 (point downward). 

Tighten these knots firmly, then pull on the fillers so all the knots are close together.

Step 28:  Repeat step 27, adding 14 cords into the other two exposed areas of the ring. 


Step 29: The Fringed Table is named for the fact that there is a fringe along the edges of the V shapes at the top and bottom.  Here are your options:

  • Wavy Fringe (RETRO): Unravel each cord all the way up to the SK.   Measure each cord 4 - 6 inches below the SK, then cut off the remainder.

  • Brushed Fringe: Unravel each cord, then brush each fiber until smooth.  Measure each cord 5 inches below the SK, then cut off the remainder.

  • Beaded Fringe (MODERN):  See information below


Beaded Fringe:  Slide the cord through a bead, and place it 3 - 5 inches below the SK. 

Measure carefully, so all the beads are in the same position, and follow the angle of the V shape.

Tie an Overhand knot below each bead, applying glue as you tighten. 

(Optional) Finishing Technique for Beaded Fringe:  When using Bonnie Braid, nylon, or similar material, you can melt the material to finish the cords for the Fringed Table.

Test the material first, and do not use this method if it BURNS.


Cut off the excess material close to the Overhand knot. 

Leave a little stub, approximately 1/4-inch long.  


Melt the stub with a BBQ lighter. 

Immediately push the handle of the lighter against it, so the melted area is FLAT against the Overhand knot.

Step 30:  Use the same fringe method with the cords coming down from the Wrapped knot in the center of the ring. 

This fringe should be at least 12 inches long. 

Step 31: Place the table top on the lower ring, so the long sennits pass around the outer edge of it. 

It's OK if the glass or wood does not rest completely against the ring. 

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Macrame Cord Divider


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