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Key Keepers

Key Keepers

Description:  The Key Keepers on this page are easy designs that can be used to decorate key rings, or to use in belts and jewelry projects.

All of these Macrame patterns feature picots, which are small loops at the sides of the Square knot design. 

There is a basic design, a tree shape, picots that face opposite directions, and two types of beaded designs.  

Supplies Needed:
  • 2 mm to 4 mm cord material
  • Project Board and pins
  • Beads for designs 5 and 6
  • Fabric Glue
  • Ring for Keys

Knots Used in Patterns:


Mounting Instructions


Cut two cords to the length described in the instructions below, since each Key Keepers design requires different lengths.  Prepare the tips to prevent unraveling.

Nylon Parachute cord was used in the examples shown.  It requires special preparation if you want to use it.

Read the page called Cord Preparation to learn how to prepare and finish off this material. The instructions are near the bottom of the page.

Mount the cords to the ring with Larks Head Knots as described below:

Step A

LH Step A:  Fold one cord in half and place it into the ring from the top (over - under). 

The fold should be heading toward you.

Step B

LH Step B:  Move both halves forward (toward you) and pass them under the folded area. 

Tighten by pulling on both halves firmly.    


Square Knot Instructions

All the Key Keepers described on this page are made with the Square Knot (SK).  The instructions are described in steps A - D below.

Mentally number the four cords.  The working cords are 1 and 4, which are marked with green numbers in the images below. 

The fillers are cords 2 and 3.   

Step A

SK Step A: Move cord 1 to the right, passing it over the fillers and under cord 4.

Step B

SK Step B: Move cord 4 to the left, passing it under the fillers and over cord 1.

Pull both working cords to tighten the first half of the SK. 

Step C

SK Step C:  The two working cords have switched places.

Move cord 1 to the left, passing over the fillers and under cord 4.

Step D

SK Step D:  Move cord 4 to the right, passing it under the fillers and over cord 1.

Pull both working cords to tighten the SK.  Make sure it's firm.

Macrame Cord Divider

Key Keepers - Basic Design

Basic Design

Before making each of the designs shown below, you should decide how you want to arrange the picots.

This basic design shows you how to make picots in different sizes. 

Cut 2 cords, each at least 45 inches long.

Mount them to the key ring as described previously (LH Steps A and B).

SK 1 and 2

Step 1: Tie the first Square Knot close to the Larks Head knots (SK steps A - D).

Tie the second Square Knot 1-inch away from the first SK, so they are separated.

Push the second SK backward so it rests next to the first SK.  This forms the first set of picot loops.

SK 3

Step 2:  To change the size of the next two picots, increase the distance between the 2nd and 3rd SK to at least 1.5 - 2 inches. 

Tie the 3rd Square Knot, then push it backward to rest next to the 2nd SK.


Step 3:  Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times, until the working cords are around 4 inches long.

(Optional) You can change the sizes of the picots simply by changing the distance between each knot.

Step 3, continued:  The best way to finish most of the Key Keepers on this page is by adding beads near the end of each cord, then tie Barrel Knots to hold them in place. 

Don't forget to treat the tips of the cords after you cut off the excess material.


Tree Shaped Design

Tree Shape

Key Keepers are great gifts for the holidays, especially this tree-shaped design.

You can add beads prior to tying each SK, which will represent the lights of a Christmas tree.

The key to success for this design is to increase the distance between the knots carefully.  Make sure you use a tape measure so you are accurate.

Step 1:  Cut two cords at least 60 inches long.  Prepare the tips to prevent unraveling.

Mount them to the ring with Larks Head Knots as previously described.  


Step 1:  Tie one Square knot, tightening it so it rests next to the mounting knots. 

Tie the second SK so it rests 1/2-inch from the first knot.

Slide the second knot backward so it touches the first knot.  The picots will be very small.


Step 2:  Tie the third SK so it rests 1-inch from the second knot.

Move it backward to form the next set of picots, which will be larger.


Step 3:  Tie the fourth SK so it rests 1.5 inches from the third SK.  Move it backward to form the next set of picots.

Repeat this step at least 2 more times, increasing the distance between the SK by 1/2-inch each time.


Step 4:  Pass working cord 1 over cords 2 - 4, then continue to wrap around them 3 - 4 times.

Pull a portion of the last wrap to the side. Pass cord 1 under - over cords 2 - 4, then under the portion you pulled.  Tighten firmly.

Half Hitch

Step 5:  Select a different cord. 

Bring it around the other three cords to make a counter-clockwise Half Hitch.  It should pass over the other three cords first, then under them.

To complete the loop, pass over the cord you are using as you pull it left.

Finishing:  Key Keepers need to be finished so they hold up with use.   For this design, I recommend you tie off the cords with a finishing knot rather than use beads.  The knot should be placed close to the Half Hitch.

See the options listed in Learn Macrame.

Macrame Cord Divider

Picots with Direction Changes

Alternating Directions

Key Keepers can be made so the picot loops are on one side or the other.

In this design, the loops change direction every two knots. 

This vintage pattern is frequently seen in Macrame projects of the 1800's. 

Step 1:  Cut two cords, each at least 45 inches long.

Mount the cords to a ring as you did with the designs shown above. 

Tie the first Square Knot so it rests next to the mounting knots.

First Picot

Step 2: Tie the first half of a Square Knot, which is shown in the SK instructions for steps A and B.

Pull a segment of the right working cord to the side and secure it with a pin. 

Try to pull it at least 1/2 to 1-inch from the fillers.

Step 3:  Tie the second half of the same SK (steps C and D), making sure the secured segment remains in place.  

Both the first and second SK should be close to one another and there should only be a picot on the right.

Designer's Tip:  What makes this Square Knot pattern different from the other two shown previously is that the knots are close together without any added space between them.

The picot is formed when you pull the cord to the side.

Next Picot

Step 4:  Repeat step 2 to tie the next SK.

When you tighten it, make sure the left edge is flat (no picot).

Change Sides

Step 5: Now it's time to change sides.

Tie the first half of the next Square knot, then pull a portion of the left working cord to the side.
Tie the second half of the knot, making sure the right edge is flat.


Step 6:  Repeat steps 2 -5 at least one more time.

All the Key Keepers need to be finished in some way, so use beads or other decorative knots to secure the ends.


Beaded Design A

Beaded A

The next two picot designs show what you can do with beads, which are placed between the knots. 

In this first design, the beads are placed between the picots. 

Since it takes two SK to make one set of picot loops, the beads are placed every other knot.

Step 1:  Cut 2 cords, each at least 50 inches long.

Mount both cords to a key ring following the mounting instructions previously used. 

Tie one SK next to the Larks Head knots.  Tie a second knot 1-inch from the first one.  Slide the knot backward, so it rests against the first SK.

One Bead

Step 2:  Add a bead to both filler cords.  

Tie the third Square Knot. Tighten it firmly so it rests against the bead. 

Tie the fourth SK 1-inch from the third knot.  Slide it backward to form the picots.


Step 3:  Repeat step 2 at least one more time.

Key Keepers look great if you finish by adding beads near the tips of the cords.

European style beads are just the right size if you are using Paracord or other thick material.  The hole size is usually 5 mm.


Beaded Design B

Design B

This beaded design features beads between each Square Knot, so the picots surround the beads.

The knots should be tied more tightly than usual, so they don't slide as much.

The picots will be longer than the others previously made (top to bottom).  

Step 1:  Cut two cords, each at least 60 inches long.

Mount the cords to a key ring with Larks Head knots.

Tie the first SK so it rests against the mounting knots. 

Bead on Fillers

Step 2: Place a bead onto the filler cords.

Tie another Square Knot, tightening it so it rests 1-inch from the bead.

Slide it backward so it rests against the bead, forming a picot around the bead.

Next Bead
Step 3: Repeat step 2. 

You can change the size of the picots by tightening the knot 1.5 to 2 inches from the bead. 


Step 4:  Repeat step 2 at least one more time. 

Finish off the cords with additional beads and finishing knots.

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