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Kitchen Tool Holder

Kitchen Tool Holder

Description:  This Kitchen Tool Holder has several interesting features. There are wing designs at the top and bottom, which look somewhat like butterflies.

At the top and bottom are squares arranged in a diamond shape.  You can use rings if you wish, or you can turn the squares so the top and bottom edges are horizontal.

The center section features three pairs of loops.  You slide kitchen tools, towels, or bottles through them horizontally. 

This Macrame pattern is rated moderate, which means beginners should have experience with the knots prior to creating it.   The finished length is 23 inches, which includes the squares.

Supplies Needed:
  • 4mm cord material (60 yards)
  • Two 4-inch Squares (or Rings)
  • Four 20 - 25mm Beads (10mm holes)
  • Project Board, Pins, Glue

Knots Used:

Preparation and Mounting

Step 1:  Cut 12 cords, each at least 5 yards long.  Prepare the tips of the cords to prevent unraveling (tape works well).

The loops in the Kitchen Tool Holder will hold something 1.5 inches in size.  Increase the length of the cords if you need to make the loops larger to fit your kitchen items (in step 9, row 10).


For a diamond shaped square arrangement, mount 6 cords on two sides of the square with Larks Head knots (see next image).

For a ring or horizontal square arrangement, attach all 12 cords on one side.


Mentally number the 24 cords.  Move aside cords 1 - 4 and 21 - 24, since they will not be used for awhile.

Cords 5 - 20 are for the wing design.

Top Section - Wing Design

The Wing Design in the Kitchen Tool Holder is made with 4 diagonal rows of Double Half Hitches (DHH) on the left and right.  A Square Knot is tied in the center, then there are 4 more rows on both sides.

The key to neatness is to make sure the knots are tightened completely, resting next to each other without overlapping. 

Because the square is arranged in a diamond shape, the rows will be at the proper angle.  Should you decide to use a ring or arrange the square differently, make sure the diagonal slant is as close to 45 degrees as possible.

Left Row 1

Step 2: Organize cords 5 - 12, which are on one side of the square.

Row 1: Move cord 5 to the right, to be used as the holding cord.  It should rest close to the Larks Heads.

Attach cords 6 - 12 to it with DHH.  The knots are tied counter-clockwise, since you are moving left to right.

Row 2

Row 2: Move cord 6 to the right, to be used as the next holding cord.

Attach cords 7 - 12 to it with DHH. 

Do not attach holding cord 5.

It's important to keep the rows of DHH as close as possible, so the Kitchen Tool Holder looks neat. 

Try to control the holding cord in one hand while tying the knots with the other.  This way you can change the angle of the holding cord as shown in the next image.

Change Angle

Keep the rows close to each other by moving the holding cord upward while tying the DHH with one of the working cords. 

Then you bring the holding cord back down, and let the knots relax.

Do this with every knot in the row.

Row 3

Row 3: Move cord 7 to the right, as the next holding cord. Attach cords 8 - 12 to it with DHH.

Row 4

Row 4: The holding cord for the 4th row is cord 8.

Attach cords 9 - 12 to it with DHH.

Row 1 Right

Step 3: Now it's time to make the ring upper wing for your Kitchen Tool Holder.

The holding cord used for the first row is cord 20.

Attach cords 19 - 13 to it with clockwise DHH, in that order.

Tie the remaining rows as follows:
  • Row 2:  Holding cord 19.   Attach cords 18 - 13 to it with DHH.
  • Row 3:  Holding cord 18.   Attach cords 17 - 13.
  • Row 4:  Holding cord 17.   Attach cords 16 - 13.

Step 4: The wing design for your Kitchen Tool Holder has a Square Knot (SK) in the center. 

The image below shows only the first step of the left SK, so you know which cords to use. 

Organize the HOLDING CORDS into a group (5 - 8 on the left and 17 - 20 on the right).  Make sure the cords are neatly arranged.


Use cords 8 and 17 to tie the SK, which were the holding cords for the 4th row of DHH on both sides.

The remaining six holding cords are the fillers for the SK.

Tighten the knot so it rests close to the 4th row of DHH, and is as wide as possible.

Cord 8

Step 5: Now it's time to create the lower pair of wings for your Kitchen Tool Holder.

Row 1: Move holding cord 8 to the left, on the same diagonal slant as the 3rd row of DHH on the right upper wing.  Attach cords 12 - 9 to it with DHH, in that order. 

Row 2

Row 2:  Move holding cord 7 to the left, and attach cords 12 - 9 with DHH.  Attach holding cord 8 as well.

Notice the X in the image?  You need to leave some space in the center of the design.

(Read information below)


The best way to increase the spacing near the center is to place the DHH made by cord 12 directly under the one in the previous row. 

You can even move that knot further to the left if you feel the need to do so.

Do this for the next two rows as well.

Row 3

Row 3:  Move holding cord 6 to the left.  Attach cords 12 - 9, along with holding cords 8 and 7, with DHH.

Don't forget the added space in the center.

Row 4

Row 4:  The final holding cord is #5.  Attach all the other cords to it with DHH, which includes the previous holding cords.  Make sure there is added space.

Right Wing

Step 6:  To make the right wing, move cord 17 to the right.  The diagonal slant should match the 3rd row of the upper left wing.

Attach cords 13 - 16 to it with DHH.

The remaining rows are tied as follows.  Don't forget to add space near the center, so everything lies flat:

  • Row 2:  Holding cord 18.   Attach 13 - 16 and holding cord 17.
  • Row 3:  Holding cord 19.  Attach 13 - 16, and holding cords 17 and 18.
  • Row 4:  Holding cord 20.  Attach 13 - 16 and holding cords 17, 18, 19.

Top Section - Spirals

Step 7:  Now it's time to make the Spiral Stitch designs for your Kitchen Tool Holder. They fit beside the Wing Design you just made.

You make the Left Half Knot (1/2 of SK) on the left with cords 1 - 4:

Cord 1
<<  Move cord 1 to the right, passing over cords 2 - 3 (fillers), and under cord 4.

Move cord 4 under the fillers and over cord 1 on the right.  >>
Step 2


Tie a total of five Half Knots, then twist the sennit to the right, so the two working cords switch places.

Continue on, tying 5 more knots, then twist again. 

You may need to tie a couple more knots so the center of the bead lines up with the SK in the wing design.


Slide all 4 cords through the bead. 

Select the two longest cords and use them as the working cords to make another Spiral Stitch sennit. 

Tie 10 - 12 knots (or more) so that the last Half Knot tied lines up with the tip of the left lower wing.

Step 8:  Repeat step 7 with cords 21 - 24, to make the Spiral Stitch on the right.

Tie Right Half Knots as shown below.

Step 1
<<  Move cord 24 to the left, passing over the fillers (22 - 23) and under cord 21.

Move cord 21 under the fillers and over cord 24 on the right.  >>
Step 2

Center Section - Loops

Step 9:  Now it's time to make the center section of your Kitchen Tool Holder, which contains the loops. 

The loops are made in rows 10, 16, and 22, so it's important to keep track of which row you are on.

You must know how to tie both RIGHT and LEFT Square knots (SK). 

Row 1

Row 1:  Mentally number ALL the cords 1 - 24.

Tie one LEFT SK with cords 11 - 14, which are in the center of the group.

A left SK begins by moving the left working cord, which in this case is cord 11.

Row 2

Row 2:  Tie a LEFT SK with cords 9 - 12.

Tie a RIGHT SK with cords 13 - 16 (see below).

Right SK

A right SK is tied by moving the right working cord first, which in this case is cord 16.

Row 3

Row 3:   Tie a LEFT SK with cords 7 - 10, and another with cords 11 - 14.

Tie a RIGHT SK with cords 15 - 18.

Row 4

Row 4:  Tie LEFT SK with cords 5 - 8 and 9 - 12.

Tie RIGHT SK with cords 13 - 16 and 17 - 20.

Row 5

Row 5:  Tie LEFT SK with 3 - 6, 7 - 10, and 11 - 14. 

Tie RIGHT SK with cords 15 - 18 and 19 - 22. 


Row 6:  Make sure the knots on the outside edges are level with the others (cords 1 - 4 and 21 - 24).

Left SK: Cords 1 - 4, 5 - 8, 9 - 12

Right SK: Cords 13 - 16, 17 - 20, 21 - 24

The next 3 rows for this area of the Kitchen Tool Holder are tied as follows:
  • Row 7:  Repeat Row 5 
  • Row 8:  Repeat Row 6
  • Row 9:  Repeat Row 5 

Row 10

Row 10:  This is where you make the first two loops for your Kitchen Tool Holder.

Start by tying a LEFT SK with cords 9 - 12, and a RIGHT SK with cords 13 - 16.

Row 10

Row 10, continued:  Tie a LEFT SK with cords 1 - 4, and a RIGHT SK with cords 21 - 24.

Tie a series of LEFT SK, using cords 5 - 8.  The sennit should 3.5 inches long (for a 1.75-inch loop).   See Design Tip below.

Tie a series of RIGHT SK using cords 17 - 20, making it 3.5 inches, too.

Design Tip:  You can make the loops for the Kitchen Tool Holder any size by tying a different number of knots than this example.    Fold the sennit and see if it needs adjusting to fit your utensils.

Fold Loop

Row 11:  Fold the left sennit of SK and push it upward so it rests on top of the panel you are making. 

The last knot tied should line up with the other knots in row 10.

Repeat with the right sennit. 

Row 11, continued:  Tie LEFT SK with cords 3 - 6, 7 - 10, 11 - 14.

Tie RIGHT SK with cords 15 - 18 and 19 - 22.

Row 12:  Tie LEFT SK with cords 1 - 4, 5 - 8, 9 - 12. 

Tie RIGHT SK with cords 13 - 16, 17 - 20, 21 - 24.

Row 13:  Repeat Row 11.

Row 14:  Repeat Row 12. 

Row 15:  Repeat Row 11.


Before you make the second set of loops for your Kitchen Tool Holder, you need to switch cords around. 

This is so the working cords for the sennit will be the longest ones in the group.

Start by switching cords 4 and 5 (cord 5 goes left).


Switch cords 8 and 9.

Test the sizes by putting cords 4, 6, 7, 9 in a group.  Those are the cords used to make the sennit. 

The working cords are 4 and 9, which should be longer than the others.


Switch cords 16 and 17 as well as 20 and 21.

Put cords 16, 18, 19, 21 together and check to make sure the working cords (16 and 21) are long.



Row 16:  Tie LEFT SK with the following groups:

Cords 1, 2, 3, 5

Cords 8, 10, 11, 12

Make a 3.5-inch sennit with cords 4, 6, 7, 9

Row 16, continued:  Tie RIGHT SK with the following groups:
  • Cords 13, 14, 15, 17
  • Cords 20, 22, 23, 24
  • Make a 3.5-inch sennit with cords 16, 18, 19, 21.

Rows 17 - 21: Mentally re-number the cords where they are now.

Repeat Rows 11 - 15.

Before you make the 3rd set of loops for your Kitchen Tool Holder, you need to switch cords again.

Cords 6 and 7 will be the working cords for the left SK sennit, with 5 and 8 as the fillers.

Cords 18 and 19 will be the working cords for the right SK sennit.  The fillers are 17 and 20.

Row 22:  Tie LEFT SK in the following groups:
  • Cords 1 - 4
  • Cords 9 - 12
  • Tie a 3.5-inch sennit with cords 6, 5, 8, 7

Tie RIGHT SK in the following groups:
  • Cords 13 - 16
  • Cords 21 - 24
  • Tie a 3.5-inch sennit with cords 18, 17, 20, 19

Row 23: Mentally re-number the cords.

Repeat Row 11.

V Shape

The final rows for this section of the Kitchen Tool Holder are done in a V formation. 

Row 24:  LEFT SK with 1 - 4, 5 - 8, 9 - 12

RIGHT SK with 13 - 16, 17 - 20, 21 - 24

Row 25:  LEFT SK with 3 - 6, 7 - 10, 11 - 14.  RIGHT SK with 15 - 18, 19 - 22.

Row 26:  LEFT SK with 5 - 8, 9 - 12.  RIGHT SK with 13 - 16, 17 - 20

Row 27:  LEFT SK with 7 - 10, 11 - 14.   RIGHT SK with 15 - 18.

Row 28:  LEFT SK with 9 - 12.  RIGHT SK with 13 - 16.

Row 29:  LEFT SK with 11 - 14.

Bottom Section - Wing Design

The next section is a repeat of the Wing Design you made at the top area of the Kitchen Tool Holder. 

Left Upper

Step 10: Repeat Step 2 to create the left upper wing, using cords 5 - 12.  

Cords 5 - 8 will be the holding cords.  Follow the diagonal slant of the V design made in the last step.

Right Upper

Step 11: Repeat step 3 to make the right upper wing, using cords 13 - 20. 

Cords 20 - 17 are the holding cords (in that order).


Step 12:  Repeat step 4 to make the large Square Knot in the center of the wings.

Cords 8 and 17 are the working cords.  The remaining holding cords are the fillers.

Lower Wings

Step 13:  Repeat Steps 5 and 6 to make the lower set of wings.  The holding cords are numbered in this image. 

The black lines indicate where the first DHH are placed in each row, to allow space in the center.


Step 14: Repeat Steps 7 and 8 to make the Spirals in the lower section of the Kitchen Tool Holder.  

Use cords 1 - 4 to make LEFT Half Knots, and make RIGHT Half Knots with cords 21 - 24.

Make sure the center of the beads line up with the SK in the wings. 

Bottom Section -- Square

The next step for your Kitchen Tool Holder is to attach the cords to the second Square with Larks Head knots.  This is optional if you prefer to finish the bottom in a different manner, or leave out the square completely.

Step 15: Arrange the square or ring just below the lower wings, in the position you prefer. Mentally number the cords.

Cord 13

Pass cord 13 (right wing) over - under the square.

Make sure you bring it to the left of the portion coming off the wing design, so that the loop is clockwise.

Cross Over

Pull the cord to the right, completing the first loop.

Pass it under - over the square, and under the cord, to make the second clockwise loop.

Tighten both loops firmly so there are no gaps between the square and the wing. 

Under Wing

Step 15, continued:  Bring cord 13 under the right wing, before you attach the next cord.

Step 16:  Repeat step 15 with cords 14 - 20, placing them to the right of the knot you just tied. 

Cord 12

Step 17:  Repeat the same process on the left side, with cords 12 - 5 (in that order).  Pass each cord under the left wing before attaching the next one.

Rotate counter-clockwise when making each loop of the Larks Head knot.

Check to see if the cords from the spirals will reach the square.  Add extra knots if needed. 

You will only have room for 2 cords from the spirals, so make sure you attach the working cords rather than the fillers.

Working Cords

Step 18:  Attach cords 1 and 4 to the left of the others on that side, with counter-clockwise Larks Heads.

Attach cords 21 and 24 to the right of the others on that side with clockwise Larks Heads.

Tie Off

Step 19:  Turn over the Kitchen Tool Holder so you are working in the back.

Locate the two fillers from the spirals (2 - 3 on the left and 22 - 23 on the right).  Tie them together with an Overhand knot.  Add glue while tightening.

Step 19, continued:  Tie off the other cords in the same manner, in sets of two.

When the glue is dry, cut off the excess material close to the knots.

When using synthetic material to make your Kitchen Tool Holder, you may be able to melt the tips with a flame. 

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