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 Lace Wreath

Lace Wreath

Description:  The Lace Wreath is a unique Macrame project suitable for beginners.  It features the use of a Wreath Frame, and fabric lace rather than cord material.

In the example shown, there is a random arrangement of colors, which can be changed if you prefer fewer colors.   You can use cord material instead of lace, if you prefer a traditional Macrame design.

Since Wreath Frames come in many sizes, you will need to make some calculations prior to starting.  Also, this design is time consuming, and will take several hours to complete.

Supplies Needed:

  • Lace or Cord material (amount depends on frame -- see preparation)
  • Wreath Frame
  • Decorations
  • Fabric Glue
  • Tape Measure

Knots Used:


The calculations you must make for the Lace Wreath are fairly easy, but you must first plan things out in terms of colors.  There are three options:

One Color:  It's important to have some contrast, even if you prefer the Lace Wreath be all one color.  You can use two shades of the same color, or even two different types of lace.

Sectional Colors:  You can use the same color lace on all the rings in one section.  So if your frame has 5 sections, there can be 5 colors. 

Random Colors: You can use many different colors, but don't go overboard. You use two pieces of lace per ring in each section. So for a 4-ring wreath with 5 sections, that's 40 pieces of material.   It will be too "busy" unless you limit the amount of colors.  

Detail of Frame

A frame is divided into 4 or more sections, separated by cross bars.   There are usually 3 - 5 rings. 

You will need to calculate the amount of material needed for each ring separately, since they are slightly different in size. 

Complete the following calculations, after mentally labeling the rings as shown in the image above (inside to outside).

  • Measure ring A between two cross bars (one section).
  • Multiply that size by 12 = lace length.
  • Repeat the same process for the other rings.  Write all the numbers on paper separately.
  • To determine the total amount of lace to purchase, multiply the lace length for ring A by the number of sections on the frame.  Then multiply that by two, since two pieces are used to cover the ring.
  • Repeat with the remaining rings. 
  • Add up all the lengths to get the total you need to purchase.

Fold Lace

Step 1:  Cut one piece of lace the size you determined is appropriate for ring A.

Fold it in half and place it under the frame, with the fold heading towards the outside of the frame. 

Keep the lace flat and twisted as little as possible.

Larks Head Knot

Step 2:  Complete the Larks Head knot by passing the ends over ring A and under the folded area. 

The ends should be heading towards the outside of the frame.

Cord 2

Step 3:  Cut another piece of lace the same length as the first one (ring A).

Fold it in half and place it under ring A, but make sure the fold is the opposite direction, heading towards the inside of the frame.

Larks Head knot

Step 4:  Pass the ends of cord 2 over the ring and under the folded area, to complete the Larks Head knot.

Arrange the two cords near the center of the ring.

The primary knot for the Lace Wreath is the Vertical Larks Head knot, which is made in two parts. 

You start by arranging the frame on your work surface, or held between your knees, so you make the knots vertically.

Important:  Make sure the two pieces of lace are heading opposite directions before and after tying the knots described below.

Each piece of lace is used to cover half the ring in one section, which is why you start in the center and work towards the cross pieces. 

The steps below show the next two knots:

Loop 1

Step 5:  The next knot is tied with the first piece of lace you mounted, and rests below the second piece.

Move it counter-clockwise over - under ring A, and over the curved portion of the lace as you pull it left.

Arrange the lace so it twists as little as possible, but do not tighten the loop.

Design Tip:  The picot loops for the Lace Wreath are created by leaving loop 1 loose, and tightening loop 2 completely.

But you will need to measure loop 1 first, so don't tighten anything just yet.

Loop 2

Step 6: Tie the second half of the knot by moving the end of the lace counter-clockwise, under - over the frame and under the lace, as you pull it left.

Do not tighten this loop.


Step 7: Measure 1-inch from ring A to the left, which will be close to ring B.  Adjust loop 1 out to that point. 

Pull the end to tighten loop 2 while holding the first loop steady. Measure the picot again and make adjustments if needed. The Lace Wreath looks better if the picots are the same size.

Second Cord

Step 8:  The next knot is tied with the second cord you mounted, and placed below the knot previously tied.

Repeat steps 5 - 7 to make a Vertical Larks Head knot, rotating clockwise.

Step 9:  Repeat steps 5 - 8 several times, until you reach the cross bar.  Push the knots close to each other as you progress. Remember to cover only half the ring in the section you are working.  

Alternate between the two colors, making sure the ends are always heading opposite directions.

Cross Bar

Tie a Larks Head knot onto the cross bar, with each piece of lace. 

This image shows the cord on the right attached first, but you can change that if necessary.  It helps to attach them in opposite directions.


Turn over the frame, so you are working in the back. 

Tie the two ends together with an Overhand knot, placing glue so the knot rests on top of it.

You can tie a second knot on top of the first.

Step 10:  Turn the frame around and repeat steps 5 - 9, using the other half of both pieces of lace, to cover the remainder of ring A (in the same section).

The colors will have changed places, but you should follow the same instructions (counter-clockwise for lace on left, clockwise on the right).

Ring 1

Step 11:  Repeat steps 1 - 10 in each section, until ring A is completely covered.

Step 12:  Repeat steps 1 - 10 to cover each section of ring B. 

Repeat with ring C, followed by ring D. 

One picot loop can be made larger than the others (ring D), so you have a loop for hanging the Lace Wreath to your wall.

Push all the picots to the front of the frame, and it's ready for display.


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Macrame Cord Divider