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Macrame Rose

Macrame Rose

Description:  The Macrame Rose is a very pretty decoration that's easy to make.  It's a time consuming project, but well worth the effort.  

The petals are made with Double Half Hitches arranged in vertical rows that curve at the bottom.  There are a total of 17 petals in four sizes. 

I strongly recommend you use acrylic YARN to create this Macrame flower.  The petals will be easier to shape, and the knots will be smaller and more neatly arranged.  You must use material that can be melted during the finishing process, and acrylic yarn or nylon material both work well.   Do not use Satin because the glue will permanently stain the material, and the knots aren't tight enough.

Make sure you test the material by applying a flame to it, to make sure it melts and does not burn.  Also test the glue to verify it doesn't permanently stain the material, and dries clear.

This Macrame project is easy and suitable for beginners.  The most challenging part is controlling the fine cords used in the design.  

Make sure you know the difference between working cords and holding cords (see the Dictionary).

Special thanks to Charity Akeiti for suggesting this Macrame project.

 Supplies Needed:
  • 2mm SYNTHETIC material (yarn, nylon, polyester, etc.) -- 62 yards
  • Fabric or Household glue
  • Project boards and pins
  • Tape
  • BBQ Lighter


Knots Used in Pattern:

Small Petals

Step 1:  First you will make the smallest petals, which form the bud on the inside of the Macrame Rose.
  • Cut 1 Holding Cord, 9 inches long.
  • Cut 1 Holding Cord, 20 inches long.
  • Cut 5 Working Cords, each 9 inches long. 

To prepare the cords, tie an Overhand knot at both ends of the holding cords, so they are easy to identify. 

Apply tape to the ends of the working cords. 

All the holding cords for the Macrame Rose are mounted with REVERSE Larks Head knots, as described below:

Cord A

Step 2:  Arrange the 20-inch holding cord horizontally on your board.  Make sure it has tension.  Mentally label it holding cord A

Fold the other holding cord in half (Cord B) and place it on top of holding cord A, with the ends heading towards the back of the board. 

Larks Head

Bring the ends of holding cord B under cord A, pulling them towards you.  They pass over the folded area of cord B.

Match the ends and pull to tighten.

Step 3:  All the WORKING Cords for the Macrame Rose are attached to two holding cords with Double Half Hitches.  Each time you start a petal, no matter which size, you attach the working cords to the holding cords in the middle of the group. 

In this case, you attach them to the two halves of holding cord B.  Mentally number them 1 and 2.

Secure holding cord 1 (left) vertically, stretching it so it has tension.

Working Cord

Slide a working cord under both holding cords. The center should rest between them.

Hold the working cord at the center while you secure the right half of it to your board.  Place the pin close to holding cord 2. 

Half Hitch

Step 4:  Tie a counter-clockwise Half Hitch with the left half of the working cord, onto holding cord 1.

A Half Hitch is tied by making a loop, over - under the holding cord.  As you pull it left, pass over to complete the loop.

2nd Knot

Step 5:
Tighten the first knot firmly, then tie a second knot onto holding cord 1, to make it a Double Half Hitch. 

Right Cord

Step 6: Remove the pin and use the right half of the working cord to tie a clockwise Half Hitch onto holding cord 2.

Don't tighten it yet.


Step 7: Pull holding cord 2 towards the first DHH.  In this case, that's to the left.

Tighten the new Half Hitch completely. 

The purpose for moving the holding cord towards the other knot is to help narrow the gap between them.  The Macrame Rose looks a lot better if the rows of DHH are close together.

The rows will be neater if you tighten all the knots as much as possible.

You should repeat this step each time you tie a new DHH.  

Knot 2

Tie a second Half Hitch, then pull the holding cord to the left again while tightening.


ALWAYS straighten the holding cord after tying both Half Hitches.

This will allow the knot to relax into a normal position, which is beside the other knot.  

Working Cords

Step 8:  Repeat steps 3 - 7 to attach the remaining working cords to holding cords 1 and 2 (total of 5).

Make sure the knots don't overlap and they look neat.

Holding Cords

Step 9:  Move holding cord 1 under cord 2, then attach it with a single Half Hitch (clockwise). 

As you create the other petals for the Macrame Rose, you will connect each pair of rows in this same manner.

Step 10:  The finishing process for the Macrame Rose includes using glue when you are attaching the working cords onto holding cord A, which forms the outer edge of each petal. 

You apply a single drop of glue to the holding cord just before you tighten the Half Hitches with each working cord. 

Some glue might seep out, so make sure you test it on the material before you use it, to make sure the stain is not permanent.


Bring down both halves of holding cord A, and attach each working cord to them, along with holding cords 1 and 2.   Tie counter-clockwise DHH on the left, and clockwise DHH on the right. 

Make sure you pull the holding cords toward the previous rows while tightening each knot.


Step 11:
Pull gradually on both halves of holding cord A, so the top of the petal has a curve.

Pass the left half of holding cord A under the right half, and tie a Double Half Hitch (clockwise). 

Step 12:  Repeat Steps 1 - 11 two more times, making a total of 3 small petals.

Medium Petals

Step 13:  You will now make medium sized petals for your Macrame Rose.  You will have three holding cords, one at the top and two vertical.  So the petals will be wider and slightly longer than the small ones.

  • Cut 2 Holding cords, each 12 inches long.
  • Cut 1 Holding cord, 20 inches long.
  • Cut 5 Working cords, each 11 inches long.

Prepare the tips as you did with the small petals.


Arrange the 20-inch holding cord (A) horizontally on your board. Mount the other two holding cords onto it with reverse Larks Head knots (see step 2).

Mentally number the four cords. 

Working Cord

Step 14:  Repeat steps 3 - 8, attaching the five working cords to holding cords 2 and 3

Move holding cord 2 under 3, then attach it with a single Half Hitch.

Next HC

Step 15: Bring down holding cords 1 and 4, and attach the working cords to them with DHH

Attach holding cords 2 and 3 as well. 

Remember to pull the holding cords towards the previous rows of DHH, as you tighten each knot.

Holding Cords

To connect the two rows, pass holding cord 1 under cord 2, then tie a single Half Hitch.

Cord A

Step 16:  Bring down both halves of holding cord A, and attach the other cords to them with DHH. 

Make sure you add the glue before you tighten the Half Hitches (see step 10). 

Step 16, continued:  To complete the medium petal for the Macrame Rose, pull gradually on both halves of holding cord A to encourage the top to become more rounded.  It's OK if the petal bends in the middle, since it's supposed to be curved rather than flat.

Pass the left half of the holding cord under the right, then tie a clockwise Double Half Hitch.

Step 17:  Repeat steps 13 - 16 three more times, making a total of 4 petals.

Large Petals

Step 18:  You will now make the large petals for your Macrame Rose.  The difference is that you now have 3 vertical holding cords, along with holding cord A at the top.  

Holding cord A is arranged differently, to encourage the top edge to curve.

  • Cut 3 holding cords, each 14 inches long.
  • Cut 1 holding cord, 20 inches long.
  • Cut 5 working cords, each 13 inches long.

Prepare the cords as you did with the small petals.


Secure holding cord A (20-inch cord) into an inverted V shape, as shown. 

Attach one holding cord to it with a reverse Larks Head knot, at the center top point.

Mount Others

Mount the other two holding cords on either side of the first.  Make sure the Larks Head knots curve.

Mentally number the holding cords 1 - 6.

Working Cords

Step 20:  Repeat steps 3 - 8, attaching the five working cords to holding cords 3 and 4.

When you are finished, move holding cord 3 under 4, then tie a single Half Hitch.

Next Row

Step 21:  Bring down holding cords 2 and 5.  Attach the working cords as well as holding cords 3 and 4.

Connect the rows by moving holding cord 2 under 5, then tie a single Half Hitch.

Step 22:  Move the two halves of holding cord A closer together, so they are almost vertical. 

This will help make the top edge of the petal become more rounded. 

Next Row

Bring down holding cords 1 and 6.  Attach the working cords as well as the previous holding cords.

Move holding cord 1 under 6, and tie a single Half Hitch to connect the rows.

Cord A

Step 23:  Bring down both halves of holding cord A.

Attach the other cords to it with DHH.  Don't forget to add the glue. 

To complete the large petal for the Macrame rose, pull firmly on both halves of holding cord A to make the middle area curved rather than flat, and to make the top more rounded.

Move the left half of the holding cord under the right, then tie a clockwise Double Half Hitch to connect them.

Step 24:  Repeat steps 18 - 23 four times, to create a total of five large petals.

Outer Petals

Step 25:  The outer petals for the Macrame Rose are slightly larger than ones you just made.  It's important that these be as rounded as possible, especially along the upper edge.

  • Cut 4 holding cords, each 18 inches long
  • Cut 1 holding cord, 20 inches long
  • Cut 5 working cords, each 16 inches long


Temporarily arrange holding cord A (20-inch cord) horizontally, then mount the other 4 holding cords to it with reverse Larks Head knots.

Bend the knots into a rounded inverted V shape.  Secure them well, so they can't straighten.  Mentally number the 8 holding cords.

Working Cord

Step 26:  Repeat steps 3 - 8, attaching the five working cords to holding cords 4 and 5.

Pass holding cord 4 under 5, and connect them by tying a single Half Hitch.

Step 27:  Bring down each of the holding cords in pairs, in the combinations below.  Attach the working cords to them, along with and any holding cords previously used.  Remember to connect the two rows at the bottom by tying a single Half Hitch.
  • Holding cords 3 and 6
  • Holding cords 2 and 7 
  • Holding cords 1 and 8

Cord A

Step 28:  Bring down both halves of holding cord A, then attach all the other cords to them with DHH.  Remember to add the glue.

Pull firmly on holding cord A so the petal curves and is nicely rounded at the top.   Then pass the left half under the right, and tie a Double Half Hitch.

Step 29: Repeat steps 25 - 28 four more times, to make a total of five outer petals.

Finishing and Construction

The finishing process for all the petals in the Macrame Rose involves cutting off certain cords, and melting the stubs so the edges are neat.
The working cords have tape, so should be easy to identify.  But you will need to count the cords to determine which holding cords to keep intact (described in the instructions below).

Step 30:  Finish the three small petals by cutting off all the working cords close to the outer edges.  Be very careful, so you don't cut the knots.

Use the BBQ lighter to melt the little stubs.  Immediately after applying the flame, press the edge against the table.  This will cause the melted portion to flatten, so the edges look neater.

Small Petals

Step 31: Identify Holding cord A, which have the knots on the ends.  They are not used in this step.

The remaining 2 holding cords are used to connect the petals.  Place two petals side-by-side.

Pass the holding cord from the left petal under the right, and tie a DHH.  Apply glue prior to tightening.


Step 32:  Repeat step 31, connecting the third petal to the second.  Then connect the first and third petal in the same manner. 

Arrange the three petals so they are touching, and use glue along the edges to hold them in place.  Wrap some tape around them while the glue dries. 

Step 32, continued:  When the glue is completely dry, cut off the cords used to connect the three petals.

Leave both halves of holding cord A intact, since they will be used in construction.

Medium Petal

Step 33:  The medium petals for the Macrame Rose have more holding cords to choose from. 

Locate cord 6, which is next to the 5th working cord, as well as holding cord A.  Keep these cords intact. 

Cut off the working cords and the other holding cords.  Melt the stubs and press them against the edges.


Place the medium petals next to each other.  Pass cord 6 from the left petal under the one from the right, and tie a DHH.  Apply glue prior to tightening.

Connect them all in this manner, including the 1st and 4th.   You can cut off cord 6 from each petal, after the glue is completely dry (optional).

Step 34:  Repeat step 33 to finish the large petals for your Macrame Rose.  To connect the petals, use cord 7, which is the 2nd holding cord below the working cords.  Keep holding cord A intact as well.

Cut off the remaining holding cords and the working cords, finishing them off at the edges with melting and pressure.

Connect the five petals by using cord 7 to tie the DHH.  Apply glue before tightening.  When it's dry, you can cut off cord 7 from each petal (optional).

Step 35:  Repeat step 34 with the outer petals, but do not cut off cord 7 after connecting them.   Keep those intact, along with holding cords A. 


Step 36:  Constructing the Macrame Rose is easy.  Place the cords from the small petals through the ring of medium petals. 

Then place those cords through the ring of large petals.   Pass them through the outer petals. 


Step 37:  Arrange the petals so they curve and are slightly offset from one another, especially the large and outer petals.

Tie a Wrapped Knot with a 2-yard cord, making sure it very tight.  This is optional if you prefer a different finishing method.

Step 37, continued:   Pull each cord firmly to make sure the petals are snugly attached to one another. 

You can use green floral tape to wrap around the cords if you want a stem. I recommend you cut them at varying lengths, so they are not as bulky. 

Tea Cup and Rose

Another finishing option is to cut off the excess material 2 inches from the Wrapped Knot, and unravel to form a soft fluffy ball.

Then create this Tea Cup Decoration, and place the Macrame Rose inside the cup.  Makes a great gift!

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Macrame Cord Divider