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Wave Sandals

Wave Sandals

Description:  The Wave Sandals feature tiny leaf-shaped designs that rest along the top of the foot.  There are wavy segments between the leaves and on the straps. The toe loop is knotted, and the closure is a simple bead clasp.

This Macrame project is a great way to expand your skills if you enjoy Barefoot Sandals.  It's rated Moderate, since you need to be familiar with shaping Double Half Hitches.

Foot Jewelry usually contains beads.  In this Micro-Macrame design, the beads are inside the leaves, which helps to form the shape.   The straps are simply beads alternating with knots.  Glass seed beads (size 6/0) and Hemp cord were used in the example shown. 

Since you won't know how many beads you actually need until you create the sandals, purchase at least 150. 

Supplies Needed:
  • 1mm cord material
  • 150 Small beads (amount depends on size)
  • Six 6mm beads with large holes (3 - 3.5mm)
  • Project Board
  • Pins, Tape, Glue

Knots Used:


There are three parts that make up the Wave Sandals:  The toe loop, the leaf design, and the straps.  

Measure the areas described below and write the results on paper. 


Toe Loop:  Measure around the second toe to the top of the foot where you want the leaf design to start.

Leaf Design:  Measure from the starting point close to the toe to where you want the straps to branch off.

Straps:  Measure from the branch-off point to the back of the ankle. 

Add all three measurements together to determine the total length of the Wave Sandals.  

  • Short cords --Multiply the total length by 9 and cut 2 cords to that size. 
  • Long cords -- Cut 2 cords 12 inches longer than the short cords (above).

Prepare the tips of the cords with glue to prevent unraveling.


Toe Loop

Step 1:  Locate the center of the four cords, and place them on your board vertically.  Apply a piece of tape across the cords, so the lower edge is at the center.

The two short cords should rest between the two long ones.


Tie a Square Knot (SK) using the two long cords, around the short ones, which are the fillers.

When you tighten the knot, make sure it rests against the tape.


Step 2: Tie several more SK, until the sennit is 1/2 the toe loop measurement (from preparation).

Count the knots as you tie them.


Step 3: Rotate the entire sennit around on your board after removing the tape.

To make the remainder of the toe loop, return to the center and tie the second half of a SK (with the other half of the cords).

Then tie the same number of knots as in step 2.


Step 4: Fold the toe loop in half.  It should be standing on one edge, so the back surfaces face each other. 

Note: In this image, the loop is tilted inward slightly so you can see the surfaces better.

Identify the working cords (WC) from the edge the loop is standing on.


Step 5:  Close the toe loop by tying a Square Knot with the two working cords around all the others, which are fillers.

Apply glue so it's on the inside when the knot is tightened.

Leaf Design

The center portion of the Wave Sandals is a series of small leaves.  The design rests on the top surface of your foot.

Tie as many leaves as you can to match the measurement you determined in Preparation. 

Cord 8

Step 6:  Mentally number the cords 1 - 8, from left to right.

Move cord 8 to the left diagonally, resting on top of the other cords. 

Cords 8 and 7 are the holding cords for the entire leaf design.

Making Curved Leaves:  To shape the leaves for your Wave Sandals, you must change the angle of the holding cords as you progress. 

For that reason, it's better to hold it in one hand and tie the DHH with the other.

Also, label the two holding cords with tape. Write their numbers on the tape, so you can easily identify them.


Step 7: Arrange holding cord 8 so it has only a small diagonal slant. Attach cords 7 - 5 to it with clockwise DHH.

Move cord 8 to the right to change the angle, then attach cords 4 - 1, so they curve outward. 

Cord 7

Step 8:  Add beads to cords 5 - 3.

Move holding cord 7 on top of the other cords, so it's almost vertical. Attach cords 6 and 5 to it with clockwise DHH.

Move cord 7 upward, so it's closer to the top row of DHH, and attach cords 4 - 1.


Close the first leaf for your Wave Sandals by attaching cord 8 to cord 7.

Cord 7

Step 9:  Move holding cord 7 to the right, on a small diagonal slant. 

Attach cords 8 and 1 to it with counter-clockwise DHH.

Move cord 7 left to change the angle, then attach cords 2 - 6, curving them outward.


Step 10: Move holding cord 8 to the right.  Place beads on cords 2 - 4.

Start with the holding cord almost vertical, and attach cords 1 - 2 to it with DHH.  Move cord 8 towards the top row (upward) and attach cords 4 - 6.

To close the leaf, attach cord 7 to cord 8.

Last Leaf

Step 11:  Repeat steps 7 - 10 as many times as needed, until this portion of your Wave Sandals is the length you need (leaf design measurement from preparation).

The last leaf you make should be almost horizontal, so the straps come off it more evenly.

Ankle Straps

The ankle straps for your Wave Sandals are made with beads alternating with Double Half Hitches.   The beads are attached to the holding cord

Make sure you keep the holding cord as straight as possible.  The cords attached to it should be curved.

Divide the cords into two groups of four.  Mentally number the cords in the right group.


Step 12:  Arrange holding cord 4 vertically, after attaching a bead.  Curve cords 1 - 3 to the right, and slide them under cord 4.

Place a pin on the curved area, so it rests flat on the board. 

Attach cords 3 - 1 to the holding cord with clockwise DHH. Place a bead between each knot.


Step 13:  Place a bead on holding cord 4. Curve cords 1 -3 to the left and slide them under it.

Attach them with counter-clockwise DHH.  Make sure there are beads between each knot.

Step 14:  Repeat steps 12 and 14 several times, until the right strap for your Wave Sandals is the size you need.

Overhand knot

Step 15: Tie an Overhand knot with the entire group of 4 cords, making sure it's as neat as possible. 

Don't tighten it completely. Leave it a little loose, in case you need to remove it.

Step 15, continued: Put the Wave Sandal on your foot to make sure the Overhand knot will rest close to the center of your ankle (in the back). 

Keep in mind you still need to add one bead for the clasp.

Tighten the Overhand knot, applying glue so it's on the inside.  The knot should rest against the last DHH tied in the strap.

Extra Beads

Step 16:  Since the last leaf was not entirely horizontal, you will need to add more than one bead to the holding cord (1) prior to starting the left strap. 

This is to make sure the first knots are lined up, so the straps are the same size.

Step 16, continued:  Repeat steps 13 and 12 several times, to create the left strap.  Cord 1 is the holding cord, and cords 2 - 4 are attached to it.

Repeat step 15.

Sliding Bead Clasp

A sliding Bead Clasp is the best closure for the Wave Sandals.  The hole size for the bead should be large enough for four cords, but not have a lot of extra room.  It needs to grip the material, or the straps will open too easily.

For that reason, I recommend the hole size be between 3mm and 3.5mm.

Step 17:  After the glue is completely dry, cut off two cords from each strap.   That will leave four for the clasp.


Pass the two cords from the left strap through the bead from left to right.  Pass the cords from the right strap through from right to left.

Make sure nothing is twisted, then pull the cords to close the clasp. The bead should rest against the Overhand knots.


Step 18:  Slide a bead onto the two cords from the left strap.   Tie an Overhand knot at least 2 inches from the bead applied in the last step (clasp). 

You need this extra space so you can open the straps wide enough for your foot to pass through.

Back Thru

Step 19:  Pass the ends back through the bead.

Apply glue in the area near the Overhand knot, then push the bead against it.  Pull the ends firmly. 

Apply more glue on the other side of the bead.  When it's dry, cut off the ends close to the bead.

Step 20:  Repeat steps 18 and 19 with the two cords from the right strap.

Step 21:  Repeat Preparation and steps 1 - 20 to make the second sandal.


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