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 Winter Tree

Winter Tree

Description:  The Winter Tree is a holiday wall decoration for the home. 

This pattern contains only basic knots, so it's a great project for beginners.

When using 6 mm material, the finished size is approx. 12 inches wide and 15 inches tall.

You can use 4 mm size material to make this design into an ornament.

Supplies Needed:
  • 6 mm cord material (32 yards)
  • 21 Beads (optional)
  • Project Board and pins
  • Glue and Tape
  • Brush

Knots used in Pattern:



  • Cut 4 cords, each 2 yards long.
  • Cut 26 cords, each 1 yard long.

Prepare the cords by applying tape at one end, which makes it easier to add the beads to your Winter Tree. 


Building the Tree

Step 1:  Arrange the four 2-yard cords vertically on your board.  The end without the tape should be in front of you.  Mentally number the cords 1 - 4.  

All the Square knots in the Winter Tree should be tied following the 4-step instructions below.

Step 1

Move cord 1 to the right, passing it over the fillers (cords 2 - 3) and under cord 4.

Step 2

Move cord 4 under the fillers and over the curved area of cord 1, as you pull it out on the left.

Pull both working cords to tighten the first half of the SK. 

Make sure the knot rests 2 inches from the ends of the cords. The "tails" are used to form the fringe.

Step 3

The two working cords have switched places, so the movements are the opposite for the second half.

Move cord 1 over the fillers and under cord 4 (right to left).

Step 4

Move cord 4 under the fillers. As you pull it out on the right, pass it over the curved portion of cord 1.

Pull both working cords to tighten the SK.  Make sure the tails are still 2 inches long.

Bead 1

Slide the first bead onto cords 2 and 3. 

Move cord 1 and 4 to the sides and arrange them on the diagonal slant you want for the edges of the Winter Tree.
Secure them so they have tension, since they will function as holding cords.

Step 2:  All the 1-yard cords you will be adding to make the Winter Tree will be attached to the holding cords with 2-loop Larks Head knots, as described in steps A - C below.

Step 2A:  Place a 1-yard cord under holding cord 4 close to the Square Knot.  The end without the tape should be in front of you.

There should be a 2-inch tail heading backward toward the right.

Loop 1

Step 2B: Tie the first half of the Larks Head knot by making a counter-clockwise loop over - under the holding cord. 

As you pull it left, pass over the cord you are holding. Tighten the knot firmly.

Loop 2

Step 2C: Make another counter-clockwise loop around the holding cord, passing it under - over this time.  

As you pull it left, pass under the cord you are holding. Tighten the knot.

Both loops = one Larks Head knot

Add on Left

Step 2D:  Add a new 1-yard cord by placing it under holding cord 4.  There should be a 2-inch tail heading backward to the left.

Repeat steps 2B and 2C, but rotate clockwise to make the loops.

Square Knot

Step 3: Keep the holding cords secured and mentally label them right and left. 

The two cords you just attached are the working cords for the next SK (1 and 4).  The fillers are the two cords holding the bead (2 and 3).

Tie a Square knot with the new set of four cords.


Repeat steps 2A - 2C, adding a new 1-yard cord to the right holding cord with a counter-clockwise Larks Head knot.


Repeat step 2D, adding another 1-yard cord to the left holding cord with a clockwise Larks Head knot.

Step 4:  Mentally re-number the six cords resting between the two holding cords.

Slide a bead onto cords 1 - 2, and another onto cords 5 - 6.


Repeat steps 2A - 2C, adding a new 1-yard cord to the left holding cord with a clockwise Larks Head knot.

Repeat step 2D, adding a 1-yard cord to the right holding cord with a counter-clockwise Larks Head knot.  

Square Knots

Divide the working cords into two groups of four. 

Tie a Square Knot with cords 1 - 4.   Do the same with cords 5 - 8

Add 2 Cords

Add two 1-yard cords onto each holding cord, as you did in steps 2A - 2D.

This will give you a total of 12 working cords.

Mentally number them 1 - 12.


Place a bead on cords 2 and 3, which are fillers for the next knot.

Tie a Square Knot with cords 1 - 4.

Bead 2

Slide the next bead onto cords 10 and 11.

Tie a Square Knot with cords 9 - 12.

2 Knots

Step 5:  Tie two Square Knots with cords 5 - 8.

Make sure they are both tightened firmly, so they line up with the two you just tied in step 4

The Winter Tree will look better if the rows of SK are evenly spaced.

Add 2 Cords

Step 6:  Add two more 1-yard cords to each holding cord (total of 4). 

Use the same technique as in steps 2A - 2D.

Mentally number the cords 1 - 16.


Place the next bead on cords 2 and 3.

Tie a Square Knot with cords 1 - 4.

Add another bead to cords 14 - 15.

Tie a Square Knot with cords 13 - 16.

2 SK

Step 7:  Tie two Square knots with cords 5 - 8.

Do the same with cords 9 - 12.

Tighten firmly so all the SK in that row line up.

Add Cords

Step 8:  Add two more 1-yard cords onto each holding cord, as you did in the previous steps.

Mentally re-number the cords 1 - 20.

Cords 1- 4

Add a bead to cords 2 - 3

Tie a SK using cords 1 - 4.

Cords 17 - 20

Add a bead to cords 18 - 19

Tie SK with cords 17 - 20.

Step 9:  Tie two Square Knots in the following groups:

Cords 5 - 8,  9 - 12, and  13 - 16.

Repeat step 8, adding two 1-yard cords to each holding cord.  Mentally number the cords 1- 24.

Place a bead on cords 2 - 3.  Tie a Square knot with cords 1 - 4.
Place another bead on cords 22 - 23.  Tie the SK with cords 21 - 24.

Square Knots

Tie two Square Knots in the following groups:

Cords 5 - 8,  9 - 12,  13 - 16, and  17 - 20.

Add 1 Cord

Step 10: Add one 1-yard cord to each holding cord as you did the others.

Include the two holding cords and mentally renumber all the cords 1 - 28.

Place beads on cords 2 - 3,  6 - 7,  10 - 11,  14 - 15,
18 - 19,  22 - 23,  and 26 - 27.  (X) in image

Step 10, continued:  To make the final row of SK in the Winter tree, tie one SK with the following groups of four cords:

1 - 4,  5 - 8,  9 - 12,  13 - 16,  17 - 20,  21- 24,  25 - 28

Macrame Cord Divider

Lower Area

Step 11:  The two holding cords used previously are very long compared to the others.  Cut a piece of 18-inch material from one of them. 

Important: Make sure the holding cord has at least 8 inches left, since you still have one knot and a fringe to make for your Winter Tree. 

Another option is to cut the cord from the roll of material.


Tie an Overhand knot 2 inches from one end of the 18-inch cord.  Secure it on the left side of the tree, against the left edge.

Tie another Overhand knot at the opposite end, placing it so it will rest against the right edge (when it's pulled taut).

Secure the cord horizontally with tension.

To create the bottom of the Winter Tree, you will be tying Double Half Hitches with most of the previous working cords. This includes the two holding cords (total of 24 cords). 

In the instructions they are called the vertical cords.

A Half Hitch is tied by making a loop over - under the holding cord.  To complete the loop, pass over the working cord you are holding.

Tie a second knot the same way, to make it a Double Half Hitch. 

Half Hitch

Step 12: Mentally number the vertical cords 1 - 28.

Attach cords 1 - 12 onto the horizontal holding cord with Double Half Hitches (DHH).  Since you are moving left to right, the loops are made counter-clockwise.

Cords for Trunk

Step 13:  Separate vertical cords 13 - 16 (for the trunk).   Pass cords 14 and 15 in front of the holding cord and leave the other two behind it.

Tie a 3-inch sennit of Square Knots with the four cords. 


Step 13, continued:  Attach cords 28 - 17 to the horizontal holding cord with clockwise DHH (in that order -- right to left).


                   Brushed Fringe                   

Separate the Fibers

Step 14:  Start the brushed fringe at the lower area of the Winter Tree. 

Trim each cord to 2 inches and save the scraps.

Separate and brush the fibers.  When the entire row is finished, trim to neaten the fringe. 

Finish Trunk

Step 15:  Turn over the tree so you are working at the back.  Apply glue to the back of the trunk, then arrange cords 14 - 15 on top of the glue.

Use cords 13 and 16 to tie an Overhand knot.  Add glue as you tighten, so it's on the inside.

Use clips to hold the cords until the glue dries.

Step 15, continued:   When the glue is dry, push the ends of cords 14 and 15 through spaces just above the row of DHH.

They need to be passed to the front of the Winter Tree so they can be part of the fringe. 

The other two cords (13 and 16) can be cut off.


Step 16:  Cut 6-inch pieces of material from the scraps and/or what you have left in the roll.

Slide one end through a small space above the row of DHH, so the cut edge is in the front.  Position the other end through a different small space.

When all the cords are added, separate and brush the fibers while holding each one steady.

Trunk Area

Step 17:  Add at least 2 cords to the area above the trunk, so the fringe rests over it. 

The goal for the lower fringe of the Winter Tree is to cover the entire row of DHH.  So add as many cords as needed. 

Step 18:   Repeat step 14, creating the fringe along the sides of the tree. 

Trim each cord to 1.5 inches, then separate and brush the fibers.  Do the same with the cords at the top.

Repeat step 16, adding 6-inch pieces of material wherever you feel it's necessary to fill out the fringe.  Make sure at least one end of these cords is passed through a SMALL space.  The other end can be pulled through a larger space if necessary.

Trim and neaten the entire brushed fringe all the way around the Winter Tree.  Add a piece of scrap cord to the back, and use it to hang your new holiday decoration on a wall.

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Macrame Cord Divider